I have 20 Google Wave (preview) Invitations.

Drop a message, I will send you the invitation.

6 thoughts on “I have 20 Google Wave (preview) Invitations.

  1. 您好,我希望得到一个Wave的Invitation由于网络关系不能使用日志上的invitationlist,麻烦了nmnm77@gmail.com

  2. I would love an invite please, if you have one to spare!I\’m theschaus AT gmail DOTT comThanks!

  3. Please, send me one, i work as sistem manager and llike to try it with my partners.Thank you.yavien1 AT gmail DOT com

  4. hey, if you have any invites left, could you send one to me at SparkFast@gmail.com?If you find it out of the kindness of your heart could you also send me a message at this email to let me know you sent the invite?Thanks~SparkFast

  5. Also, if you have any extras, could you send one to my brother at cjvonk@gmail.com and send me an email confirming his invite aswell? Thank you so much.

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