DNS Forwarder vs Root Hints with ISA 2000

Recently we have experienced a slowdown in resolving names. Our DNS Server uses a forwarder to our ISP. When I connect to the ISP’s modem directly there is no problem resolving addresses (eg nslookup www.microsoft.com) so the problem does not appear to be our ISP’s DNS servers.
When I do the same from either the ISA Server, the DNS server or a client workstation behind the ISA server I cannot resolve. If I remove the forwarder and rely solely on root hints everything works fine.
On the ISA server I have a
1. packet filter for DNS lookup
2. protocol rule with selected protocols DNS Query and DNS Query Server
All of the above worked well until a few weeks ago. There are no events on the DNS Server or ISA Server that seem to relate to the problem.
Why would ISA block a DNS Server from using forwarders but allow resolution of a DNS query via root hints?
What DNS server are you using?  Is this a native Windows 2000 or 2003 DNS server?  Is the DNS server inside/behind the ISA server?  And, I assume you are forwarding to the same ISP DNS server that you verified works correctly by querying it directly from outside the ISA server.
Have you tried querying the ISP DNS server directly by using nslookup on various machines behind the ISA server (a client, the DNS server, the ISA server itself)?  Do this with the "server w.z.y.z" command in nslookup, and specify the IP address of the remote server, not it’s name.
Aside from the destination of the lookups, there is very little difference between the DNS queries sent to a forwarder, and those sent to the root servers and other remote nameservers.  The main difference is the "RD" bit (recursion desired).  It is unlikely that ISA would be concerned by that bit.  Still, you can simulate that by sending a non-recursive query through nslookup (set norecurse).  If you do that, and tell nslookup to use ISP DNS server (using the server command), and also enable detailed debugging (set d2), you should see if you get some sort of answers back, and then try a recursive query (set recurse) and see if you get an answer from that.  This might help you diagnose if ISA is interfering with resursive queries.

After-math and clear ISA cache

You can clear the cache by stopping the Web Proxy Service (in the ISA Server Management tool) then deleting the urlcache folder or deleting the dir1.cdat file located at x:\urlcache, the location of which will be specified in the cache configuration section.
Restart the Web Proxy service and the urlcache folder and it’s contents will be recreated (albeit empty)
p.s this assumes that you have ISA server 2000. 


  圣火正在加利福尼亚传递,今天马上就会到达旧金山。San Francisco Board of Supervisors的成员Chris Daly提出一项反华议案:声称通过示威阻止圣火传递是旧金山人一生难得一遇的机会以帮助十三亿中国人取得更多的自由和权力。出于信誉,Gavin Newsom市长没有签署这项议案。
Joan Chen 是一位演员和导演,她于1989年成为美国公民。

What the hack is this nihaorr1.com/1.js? – updated Apr.19

Found anything special in the following Google search results?
Yes, except the 3rd link that points to the IIS.net forum, all other destinations in the search results have been compromised.  The codes between <script src= … and … </script> were planted into the contents of those websites by some kind of malicious hacking mechanism without webmasters’ awareness.  Do NOT click on any of those links!!!

This thread in IIS.net forum, Anyone know about www.nihaorr1.com/1.js? tells part of the story by a few people talking about their findings.  Basically, once the website is juggled, when the visitor clicks on the link that have hacking code implanted, the browser will be redirected to www.nihaorr1.com website and 1.js from that website will be executed.  Most web visitors would not notice anything except something like "Page cannot be found" shown in the brower, which doesn’t mean anything harmful.  But actually, the codes have already be running on their PCs.  So far, I saw there were test.exe, 1.js, Yahoo.php pulled from that website to the clients.  Those files are executable, if you have antivirus software installed with up-to-date antivirus definition, they will be quarantined; if you don’t have, I don’t know …

Webmasters, especially those run IIS, use ASP codes and have SQL database in the backend, check your servers, codes and databases.  Thousands of websites have been compromised as shown in Google search results.  There is no official information yet, but I personally quite agree to rwmorey, eftennis and davcox’s comments in http://forums.iis.net/p/1148917/1867622.aspx.  I will also add some new findings in the new few days. [Apr.18]

There are 2 more domains that could contain the same malicious code: aspder.com, 414151.com.  From somewhere some hackers are trying to plant the code in your web server or SQL database, so your visitor will be redirect to those sites and probably get infected.

Here is more details found in the Malware Domain Blocklist:

The IP address contains

414151..com and a new domain, aspder..com

Source: http://www.robtex.com/ip/

aspder..com resolves, and there are iframes popping up in google:


Needless to say, block this IP and domain. If anyone can download and analyze the iframe, we would appreciate more information. Thanks.

UPDATE: it’s a sql injection attack, see these links for more detail:


These posts also mention twww..nihaorr1..com/1.js

Also in those threads in Web Hosting Talk (two links above), there are more details about how the hackers plant the code in you web servers and SQL servers.  The following is copied from that site:

Here is a link to shed light on the problem and how to mitigate it –


Many high profile sites got hit by the injection of early april and also one in early march. Sites like usatoday-dot-com, forbes-dot-com, walmart-dot-com, and on and on. Several thousand sites got hit.

Here are some more links about it –




Block the following on your proxy servers, home routers and other Internet gateway device, so your user will not get infected when the website they visit is compromised.  Besides the web and SQL servers, these are how you control the controllable as a server/network administrator.



Microsoft also published a security advisory 951306, not sure if it’s relevant, need to test and prove.  [Apr.19]