
née 也作 nee


Born. Used to indicate the maiden name of a married woman.


Usage Problem Formerly known as.

【用法疑难】 原先被称作


The traditional conventions of address dictate that née or nee be followed only by a family name (which is, to be sure, the only name one has at birth): Mrs. Mary Parks, née Case, not née Mary Case. · Née is a feminine form in French, and both its spelling and its pronunciation indicate that it has not been fully nativized. Its use to describe men who have changed their names is likely to raise eyebrows among people who recognize the etymology of the word, unless the intention is clearly jocular. A phrase like John Smith, née Schmidt, would be more accurately— and less affectedly—paraphrased with an unexceptionally English word such as born or formerly known as.

称呼的传统习惯要求neenee 只用于家庭姓名之前 (确切地说指出生时的那个名字):Mrs. Mary Parks, nèe Case 而不是 nèe Mary CaseNee 在法语中是一个女性名词 , 它的拼写和发音都表现出它还未被全部地本地化。当用于描述改变姓名的男人时容易让那些明白这个词语源的人扬起眉毛,除非意图是明确地诙谐的,像John Smith, nèe Schmidt 这个词将比较准确, 比较不受影响的来用一个如bornformerly known as 的普通的英语词来解释意思


French [feminine past participle of] naître [to be born]

法语 naître的阴性过去分词 [出生]

from Old French naistre

源自 古法语 naistre

from Latin n&2{³sc&9{º}} * see gen&2{…}-

源自 拉丁语 n&2{³sc&9{º}} *参见 gen&2{…}-

Talking about Microsoft’s Keith Combs Releases “VMRCPlus” VM Client Display & Management Tool


Microsoft’s Keith Combs Releases "VMRCPlus" VM Client Display & Management Tool

VMRCPlus: Matthijs ten Seldam, a Principal Microsoft Consultant in the Netherlands has developed a VM client display and management tool.
VMRCPlus Features:
    • Direct control of local or remote instances of the Virtual Server service. IIS and IE browser are no longer required!
    • Tabbed interface to quickly jump between Virtual Server hosts and guest VMRC sessions.
    • Reusable saved states: this feature allows users to preserve a particular saved state and return to that state at any time.
    • Multiple guest selection supported for startup/shutdown/save/display.
    • Browse button navigation for media, hard disk images, ISO images, .VMC files, etc.
    • Drag and Drop support for .VMC files, ISOs images, VHD and VFD files.
    • Resizable desktop support for guests running Virtual Machine Additions (maximize VMRC window supported).
    • Limited cut and paste of text from host to guest (only).
    • A built-in utility to take JPG screenshots of running guests. Useful when filing bugs.
    • Built-in error notification with Virtual Server eventlog viewer.
    • A Virtual Networks Manager and Virtual Disks Manager that cover all features.
    • Keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl-S to save state a guest).
    • Create multiple guests at once.
    • Create guest from parent (or multiple guests)!
    • Automatic reconnect to a designated Virtual Server host.
    • Toolbars in both Guest and Console Manager for quick access.
    • Unlimited number of guests.
    • Maximum of 32 Virtual Server hosts.
    • Sorting on columns of guests so you can sort based on status and multi-select.
    • Automatic detection of Virtual Machine Additions and notification.
    • Detection of Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1.

Talking about LAB: Sharepoint Server 2007 downloadable .VHD virtual lab now available!


LAB: Sharepoint Server 2007 downloadable .VHD virtual lab now available!

Attention Sharepoint enthusiasts & administrators!
We just posted a Virtual PC .VHD file on Microsoft.com that contains an entire lab for learning & administering Sharepoint Server 2007.

What does this mean? Well, if anyone wants to “try out” Sharepoint Server 2007 and see what it’s like and what value it can provide, they can just download a Virtual PC file of it from Microsoft.com! The VPC includes the Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 (MOSS) Product Evaluation Guide on the desktop and is configured so the walk through at the end of the guide works with the image.

Direct Download here:


If you like this, check out the other Virtual Machines we have available for download:
– Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 VHD
– Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition VHD
– Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007 Beta 2 VHD
– Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite VHD
– Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition VHD
– Microsoft Windows Vista 30-Day Eval VHD

These can be downloaded from our Virtual .VHD Download web site at:

If you would prefer to try our “virtual labs” where the labs & training are hosted at our datacenter and you are able to run the virtual machines remotely through a web browser, check out Microsoft’s Virtual Labs web site at:

Cached Client Credentials May Cause Unexpected User Prompts – ISA 2004/2006

Problem: ISA Server unexpectedly prompts users to input credentials.

Cause: If incorrect client credentials are cached on the client computer, clients making requests through ISA Server may be prompted for alternative credentials, even though the ISA Server COM property ReturnAuthRequiredIfAuthUserDenied is set to its default false value for outbound traffic.

Solution: Clear the cached credentials, as follows:


Click Start, and then click Run.


In the Run dialog box, type control keymgr.dll. Then click OK.


In the Stored User Names and Passwords dialog box, select the entry that you want to remove, and then click Remove.


Click Close to close the Stored User Names and Passwords dialog box.


Restart the client computer.

For more information on the ReturnAuthRequiredIfAuthUserDenied COM property, see the ISA Server SDK documentation (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms826234.aspx).

Source: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/isa/2004/plan/ts_client_rules.mspx

From “put a computer on every desk” to “in every desk” or “be every desk”

Keywords: Surface Computing, Milan, Microsoft, touch screen computing, …
中文关键词: 表面计算, 桌面计算, 微软, 米兰, 触摸屏计算, 比尔·盖茨, 史蒂夫·乔布斯, ……
Once, put a computer on every desk and in every home was a dream of Microsoft, things like Bill Gates said in yesterday’s D5.  But things are changing dramatically, the tablet form-factor Bill mentioned yesterday in a talk with Steve Jobs became real today, the surface computing concept.  Bill Gates might want to revise the motto to "change every desk to be a computer in every home" or office, or bar, casino, everywhere.
How would that be, eventually, in several years?  What about the tablet PC Microsoft invented several year ago?  I can hardly remember anyone around me actually uses tablet PC on a daily basis.  There are Palms, pocket PCs, smartphones, or BlackBerrys, but I’ve never seen anyone carries a full-size tablet PC that running on Windows XP tablet version or whatever.  We’re using touch screen almost every day right now, in supermarkets, box offices, GPS’s, PDAs, smartphones…  but those are not full function, "rich" computers, as Steve and Bill defined in D5.  Steve already has his iPhone/iTouch, which is a small limited version of personal computer.  Will this Milan thing be end up like tablet PC, or something even older, maybe none of us even remember, the AST GRiD?
If more and more casinos, bars or restaurants start adopt this technology, or even for home entertainment, like the demo on CNet, than business offices do, it would become a machine for proprietary uses, another kind of XBox or DVD or cashier machine, not show the richness of a personal computer.  In D5, neither Bill Gates nor Steve Jobs successfully answered the question about full function, rich client and personal device like iPhone.  But anyway, this is the real concept of desk(top) computing.
In Chinese, there’s a word 桌面电脑=desktop computer for decades, but literally 桌=desk, 面=surface, 电脑=computer.  So we should change the translation of desktop computer to 桌上电脑, because 上=top; and use 桌面电脑 for this wonderful new baby – surface computer.  (I was little confused when I read this sentence again, let me make it clearer tomorrow.)