
Yankees know very little about China.  Even like Ziff Davis, one of their top media groups, doesn’t know the number of stars in China’s National Flag.
下面这张图出现在PC Magazine杂志今年6月28日刊第23页,作为一家在中国有多年业务的媒体公司,Ziff Davis在刊登一组有关中国市场的预测数据时, 居然把中国国旗上的星星都数错了,真是贻笑大方。
同样的内容也出现在PCMAG.COM的网站上: http://www.pcmag.com/image_popup/0,1871,s=1489&iid=106571,00.asp


  1. WINDOWS更新 : 一定记得更新你的 Windows – 这和必须安装防病毒软件一样重要;
  2. 防火墙 : 安装一个防火墙软件或硬件, 阻止一切来自外部的未经许可的访问;
  3. 防病毒软件 : 你的防病毒软件只有在经常更新的情况下才是有用的;
  4. 驱逐间谍软件 : 删除那些溜进你的电脑的间谍软件, 会让你马上感觉到性能有所改善;
  5. 好的EMAIL习惯 : 对未知来源的电子邮件要非常警觉, 病毒和垃圾邮件通常会伪装得很巧妙;
  6. INTERNET控制 : 使用Internet Explorer的设置来屏蔽掉那些不良好的内容;
  7. 机敏的上网者 : 检查Internet Explorer的设置, 始终要小心谨慎地对待文件下载和网上交易.

[上文摘译自Windows XP: The Official Magazine July 2005, wooway尊重原有的版权, 如有异议, 请联络wooway.]

PC WORLD 英文版 十月刊

• 当你想去Dell买电脑时, 一定要同时查看Home & Home Office 和 Small Business 两部分. 同一货品的价格可能会不同, 因为它们属于不同的BU管辖. 没有哪个部分的价格一定会是比较低的, 所以在要寻找特定货品时, 一定要比较两部分的价格.
• 如果你要找的货品还没有打折, 等一等. Dell的货品打折促销是没有规律的. Dell的货品与其它品牌相比打折更加频繁, 作者曾经跟踪过它的一些货品, 没有一个的价格会在不打折的价格上停留超过三星期.
• 作者曾经看到过Dell的最大折扣是35% off, 也就是它自己的货品打了六五折, 这种情况不多见. 但是Dell自己品牌的货品打20% off, 第三方货品打10% off还是经常能够看到的.
• 台式机和笔记本电脑的折扣很难比较, 因为它通常会提供一些配件的特价或免费的升级(譬如内存, 硬盘, 和光驱), 这样你就很难比较一台电脑上究竟打了多少折扣. 但是有时你还可以发现货品会同时给予折扣和免费升级: 譬如七月下旬, Dell提供34% off在它的XPS Gen 5式机上, 同时还有512MB 到 1GB 内存的免费升级.
• 经常去看看一些网站如 StealDeals.net 和 Techbargains.com (内部消息: Techbargains 提供了 PCWorld.com的 Bargain Finder) [wooway: 加拿大的顾客可以经常去看看
redflagdeals.ca], 这些网站每天都提供许多打折的消息和商家的折价券.


没用的特性 – 数字变焦
NOT ALL ZOOM is created equal. While optical zoom uses the camera’s lens to increase magnification, digital zoom uses software built into a camera to magnify a subset of an image captured by a lens. The software does this by upsampling (or interpolating) pixels—generating new image data based on samples from the original pixels. That process can degrade the quality of the photo, making it blurry and pixelated. Optical zoom is the important number to look for. —Grace Aquino
一些DC厂商的广告里 (图示为日本品牌:奥林巴斯) 会给出光学和数字变焦的综合值来蒙骗顾客.

小技巧: 如果忘了Windows XP的密码, 或者密码过期了, 怎样才能登陆到系统.

How to log on to Windows XP if you forget your password or your password expires

[上文摘译自PC WORLD 英文版 十月刊, wooway尊重原有的版权, 如有异议, 请联络wooway.]

MSN Sandbox – 微软的沙盘

Yahoo!太弱了, My Yahoo的自定义页面一看就是上世纪的东西, 照片, 邮件, 公文包等个人内容常常显示不出来, 最近又把我原来设置的天气预报内容全给篡改了, 搞了些根本无关的城市进去, 害得我把它们全部删掉, 再一个一个地添加进去. 还有就是, My Yahoo里CSS链接, 根本不支持中文(实在搞不清楚它究竟支持Unicode还是GB-2312); 相比之下, MSN My Page更加紧凑和富有现代感.
前两天刚到的Yahoo Messenger with Voice 7.0 主动要我更新, 结果是又死机一次, 不得不重起, 删掉, 再重装. 另外的Yahoo! 360° 我从来没有敢用过, 只是认为它不会比博客中国好多少.
Microsoft就大不相同了, 不用多说, 去两个微软的实验站点看看: MSN Sandbox 和 start.com, 其中还不包括微软的Wallop人际网络, 就足以和Google More的大部分内容相比了. (what is ms-answers.com ?)
当然, Google Search, Google GMail和Google Map还是无可匹敌的, 还有外围的小软件: Google Talk, Google Earth和Picasa. 但是, 最好用的Google Map有个弱点, 它没有个性化的设置, 不能保存地图, 而Yahoo Map登录后能够保存一些地址, 而且还能够显示到My Yahoo的首页中.

Network configuration: IIS SMTP mail relay service and Microsoft Exchange Server

You can use the IIS SMTP mail relay service to prevent spammers from directly interacting with your Microsoft Exchange Server!

Your Exchange Server is probably set up on your internal network to receive all mail for users in your domain for onward delivery. If you publish your Exchange Server’s SMTP service, Internet users can send messages directly to your Exchange Server. Allowing the Internet to have direct contact with your Exchange Server is never a good idea. To stop this direct contact, set up an IIS SMTP relay, and instead of publishing the Exchange Server’s SMTP service, publish the IIS SMTP Service. Now when mail destined for yourdomain.com hits the external interface of your firewall, it will be forwarded to the SMTP relay. The SMTP relay in turn forwards it to your Exchange Server. Now set your Exchange Server to send outgoing SMTP mail messages to the IIS SMTP relay server so it forwards them on to the Internet.

To secure this set up, for incoming mail, allow the IIS SMTP server to relay only to your own domains. For outgoing mail, allow the IIS SMTP server to relay to all domains. If you allow incoming mail to be relayed to all domains, spammers will take advantage of your open mail relay and you’ll process thousands of spam e-mails within a few days. A default configuration allows all computers that can authenticate to relay through the server; however, authentication requires more overhead, so it’s better to allow relay based on IP address. Since you only want to allow your Exchange Server to use the IIS SMTP Server as an open relay, add the IP address of your Exchange Server to Allow "Only the list below." You need to allow the IIS SMTP Service to act as an open relay for your Exchange Server because the Exchange Server needs to send SMTP mail to all Internet mail domains. The open relay for outbound mail is required. You also need to prevent relay for incoming messages. Do this by configuring the server to relay only messages destined to your own domain:

  1. In the Internet Services Manager console, expand the Default SMTP Virtual Server node.
  2. Right-click on the Domains node, point to New and click Domain.
  3. Select the Remote option and click Next.
  4. Type in your mail domain name and click Finish.
  5. Double-click on your new Remote Domain name.
  6. Check the option to Allow incoming mail to be relayed to this domain so that inbound mail destined for other domains is dropped by the SMTP relay.
  7. In the Route domain frame, select Forward all mail to smart host.
  8. Enter the IP address of your Exchange Server in the text box under this selection in brackets, like [].

Another advantage of this set up is that you can take down the Exchange Server for maintenance without losing any incoming mail. You can also improve fault tolerance by setting up multiple IIS SMTP Servers. Another possibility would be to add an additional mail relay server to filter e-mail for spam or viruses before relaying it on to the Exchange Server.

by Michael Cobb

01 Jun 2005 | SearchSecurity.com