Never ever install this kind of software! There is no free lunch!

近来, 文学城没有了跳出式广告, 却引进了如下的恶意软件链接.

Recently, a website I access everyday started popping up this kind of message.  Be careful, the ‘antivirus’ software it introduces is Trojan malware, which could affect your system very badly.

Here is how it looks, gets your attention, and eventually lets you install the software.

You will see this pop-up first.  What?  My PC is affected.  I don’t believe you, close this pop-up.

Clicking the ‘X’ or ‘Cancel’ or whatever will bring you to the next window.  Is this your system?  See it again?  I don’t think so.  Close the window.

Again, it won’t close, just gives you another pop-up message.  You know, at this stage you cannot get rid of it, just click ‘Cancel’ or ‘X’.

Another pop-up, actually this is not a pop-up, just another web page from  See, it can scan your system so quickly.  Too good to be true.  Don’t believe it, just try to close the window.

It will give your warning again,

and again.

Finally, it will show you what it wanted you to do.  DO NOT CLICK RUN!!!  If you download and run the exe, your PC will become a zombie.

Just click ‘Cancel’, this time you can close it.  Don’t forget to run a legitimate virus scan after all, and also tell your friends to be careful.  There is no free lunch, just buy one from a decent software vendor.

There are two websites talk about this malware site, it seems there is solution if your PC got affected.  You need to know how to modify Windows registry and there is no prove of the solution, also I do NOT encourage you download the “automatic remover” from these websites.  You either do it manually by yourself or give it to someone you can trust.

Here are the websites:

What is JavaScript and how is it different from Java Technology?

The JavaScript programming language, developed by Netscape, Inc., is not part of the Java platform. The JavaScript programming language shares some attributes with the Java programming language, but it was developed separately.
For additional information about JavaScript, refer to the page titled What is JavaScript?
JavaScript Error:
JavaScript is disabled, please re-enable it
If you recently upgraded your web browser, the new version of the web browser might have turned off Java Script by default. Please refer to the following instruction on how to turn on JavaScript for your browser:



EasyRecovery Professional 6.10.07
EasyRecovery Professional 6.10.07 中文补丁
1、SD在数码相机&电脑里只看见部分图片,原来照片有200多张,但只见50多张。sd卡放到电脑里点属性总容量为246M 已用238M 可用8M,但是打开SD目录全选里面所有文件夹总容量为123M 其他容量不见。
1、运行EasyRecovery Professional 6.10.07 软件,选择SD卡,点击软件界面左列 data recovery进行搜索恢复。
4、最后无意中发现在用此软件恢复之前点SD属性,进行选择“工具”——“查错”处理。之后再运行EasyRecovery Professional 进行恢复数据。



I am going to re-org my space lists in the next few days.

Today, I found many links in my space lists are either inactive or discontinued.  I want to kick them out, and re-categorize the list.  It should include the followings personal lists:
  • 博客部落 … some of my favourite blog links
  • 网友相册 … some good online photo albums
  • 朝花夕拾 … my posts in other blog sites
  • 多伦多实用手册 … useful links if you live in Toronto(GTA)
  • 参考|其它 … online reference links
  • 欧游杂记 … this is my blog about the trip to Europe
  • Just Notes … this is my vocabulary, new words.  You know, I am an ESL student.

For the technical stuff, I haven’t decided, it would contain these:

  • Information Technology …  all about computer, Internet, the industry, news, etc., may include commercial/official non-tech sites
  • Internet – shall I add one here, for the Internet trends, tips and stuff?
  • Microsoft Tech Sites … Everything interesting from MS official website, blogs will put in the next category
  • Focus on Microsoft, eh? … Blogs from MS guys, mvps, fans, etc., all about MS
  • Windows & Tools … More technical stuff, focus on Windows platform and tools, from all sources except MS.
  • Exchange/Outlook + LCS/OCS … I am thinking about changing this to UC, which includes email message, instant message and unified message topics.
  • Security – ISA, TMG, IAG … MS security efforts.

Anything else?  seems already too much to manage.

For the blogs, I also want to re-org, but found that I cannot sort, rename the categories.  Microsoft should fix this.