"Wherever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision." – Peter F. Drucker
现代管理学之父 彼得·德鲁克(1909-2005)以其丰富的人生阅历、洞烛入微的观察、鞭辟入里的剖析、旷世奇才的文笔,写下了四十余本有关经济、政治、社会及管理的巨著,其中大部分翻译成二十多种语言发行于全世界。
About Career Log
"Wherever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision." – Peter F. Drucker
现代管理学之父 彼得·德鲁克(1909-2005)以其丰富的人生阅历、洞烛入微的观察、鞭辟入里的剖析、旷世奇才的文笔,写下了四十余本有关经济、政治、社会及管理的巨著,其中大部分翻译成二十多种语言发行于全世界。
"Who told you it couldn’t be done? And what great achievement has he to his credit that entitles him to use the word ‘impossible’ so freely?" – Napoleon Hill
拿破仑·希尔(Napoleon Hill,1883-1970),现代成功学奠基人,世界上最伟大的励志大师之一。生于美国,幼年丧母,早年生活坎坷。从1908年起,希尔在钢铁大王安德鲁·卡内基的帮助下,开始了长达20多年的成功学研究,拜访了500多位在美国政治,工商,科学和金融等领域取得卓越成就的高层人士。完成了具有划时代意义的名著-《成功法则》。希尔总结的十七条成功法则激励了全球数千万人,他本人则被誉为“百万富翁的创造者”。他曾被威尔逊和罗斯福总统聘为总统顾问,从而影响了美国历史的进程。他的著作还有《思考致富》《如何提高你的薪水》等。其作品被翻译成26种文字,在34个国家出版。
《Law of Success Lesson 4 – The Habit Of Saving》
"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men." – Goethe
约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749年8月28日,美因河畔法兰克福,出生时用名:J·W·歌德-1832年3月22日,魏玛;也做:Göthe)作为诗人、自然科学家、文艺理论家和政客,是魏玛的古典主义的最著名的代表。而作为诗歌、戏剧和散文作品的作者,他是最伟大的德国作家之一,也是世界文学领域的一个出类拔萃的光辉人物。
.: business formal :.
The following guidelines have been developed to address a Business Formal dress code. These standards are the protocol for many on-campus recruiter interviews and other occasions.
How Men Should Dress:
Conservative Suit: Dark, preferably a single-breasted, two-piece suit.
Shirt: Should be starched, long-sleeved with no fraying at the collar or cuffs.
Collar: Spread collar or button-down Oxfords are suggested.
Tie: Should be small-patterned.
Cologne: If you wear cologne, use it sparingly.
Shoes: Loafers or lace-ups with a low heel.
Socks: Should cover your entire calf – never wear white socks! Your socks should harmonize with the colors of your pants and shoes, not your tie or shirt.
Accessories: Tiepins or cuff links should not have insignia of groups, religions or organizations.
How Women Should Dress:
Conservative Suit: Formal, dark colours.
Skirts: Avoid short hemlines and patterned hose.
Shirts: Select blouses or sweaters that provide visual interest but avoid details that distract from your face as the focal point.
Shoes: Closed-toe and lower heel.
Hose: A must with skirts.
Accessories: Minimal. No clunky jewelry. Avoid long necklaces that may distract you.
Make-Up: Natural look is best, but if you must wear make-up, apply it minimally.
Hair: Clean and neat. Avoid styles that cover more than your forehead or need to be constantly brushed back.
Nails: Clean and trimmed fingernails.
.: business casual :.
Standards for what is accepted as business casual vary by organization. You will be able to determine what are the norms once you start to interact with people in these organizations.
You will find that most people will be wearing:
• Tailored slacks or skirts
• Shirts with collars
• Footwear with socks or hosiery
Basic guidelines for business casual dress require you to refrain from wearing:
• Jeans or capris
• Shorts
• Sports gear such as tank tops
• Jogging suits
• T-shirts
• Baseball hats
• Open-toed sandals (depending on the office environment)
• Anything that will call undue attention to yourself
Business casual for women usually consists of a nice pair of dress pants or a skirt, with a button-up blouse, simple sweater or cardigan set. Business casual for men usually consists of a pair of ironed dress pants with a long or short-sleeved dress shirt. Ties and jackets are optional.
When it’s hot and sticky outside, the temptation to wear clothes that are lighter, shorter and "less of" is very strong. However, some of those choices may not be suited for professional work environment. Business casual is defined as attire that maintains a professional look, but is less formal than the traditional "suit and tie."
Clean, wrinkle-free clothes that are in good shape, worn neatly demonstrate the Business Casual look. Business Casual attire considered acceptable include:
Reminder: When meeting with external clients or attending meetings outside of the office, business attire should be worn.
Our company creates a working environment in which employees may wear business casual clothing. We believe each employee possesses the professional judgment necessary to decide what is appropriate attire on any day, given their daily business activity.