365 Daily Success Quotes

"Wherever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision." – Peter F. Drucker

现代管理学之父 彼得·德鲁克(1909-2005)以其丰富的人生阅历、洞烛入微的观察、鞭辟入里的剖析、旷世奇才的文笔,写下了四十余本有关经济、政治、社会及管理的巨著,其中大部分翻译成二十多种语言发行于全世界。


365 Daily Success Quotes


"Who told you it couldn’t be done? And what great achievement has he to his credit that entitles him to use the word ‘impossible’ so freely?" – Napoleon Hill

拿破仑·希尔(Napoleon Hill,1883-1970),现代成功学奠基人,世界上最伟大的励志大师之一。生于美国,幼年丧母,早年生活坎坷。从1908年起,希尔在钢铁大王安德鲁·卡内基的帮助下,开始了长达20多年的成功学研究,拜访了500多位在美国政治,工商,科学和金融等领域取得卓越成就的高层人士。完成了具有划时代意义的名著-《成功法则》。希尔总结的十七条成功法则激励了全球数千万人,他本人则被誉为“百万富翁的创造者”。他曾被威尔逊和罗斯福总统聘为总统顾问,从而影响了美国历史的进程。他的著作还有《思考致富》《如何提高你的薪水》等。其作品被翻译成26种文字,在34个国家出版。

Law of Success Lesson 4 – The Habit Of Saving


"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men." – Goethe

约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749年8月28日,美因河畔法兰克福,出生时用名:J·W·歌德-1832年3月22日,魏玛;也做:Göthe)作为诗人、自然科学家、文艺理论家和政客,是魏玛的古典主义的最著名的代表。而作为诗歌、戏剧和散文作品的作者,他是最伟大的德国作家之一,也是世界文学领域的一个出类拔萃的光辉人物。

12 Dirty Habits That Prevent You From Developing Exceptional People Skills

  • Dirty Habit #1 –Looking down at the floor when speaking to someone. You must learn to look at someone directly in their eyes when speaking to them. If you were taught that staring at people was impolite, you’re absolutely right. However, this does not mean you can’t look at someone in his or her eyes.
  • Dirty Habit #2 – Slouching when you’re standing or sitting down. Stand up straight. In our society being tall is a good thing. When you slouch you appear much shorter. Not only will standing straight make you look taller but it will also give you a confident look.
  • Dirty Habit #3 –Frowning and not smiling enough. No one likes to spend time with someone who’s in a bad mood. If you’re not feeling too great then try to keep your distance. People love to spend time with upbeat, optimistic people. Make an effort to smile, not frown.
  • Dirty Habit #4 – Avoiding strangers. Since the day you were born, your parents have taught you never to speak to strangers. Well, you’re a grown up now and things have changed. In order to develop exceptional people skills you need to be comfortable speaking to all types of people. You need to meet as many people as you can.
  • Dirty Habit #5 – Making a poor first impression. Did you know that people will judge almost everything about you just by your first impression? Make an initial effort to get along with the person you are meeting and you’ll save yourself a lot of trouble in the future.
  • Dirty Habit #6 – Not making an effort to speak well. In order to develop great people skills you need to become a great conversationalist. This doesn’t mean you need to speak a lot; this means you need to speak well. You need to articulate and choose your words wisely. Basically, you need to listen to what you’re saying and not just blabber on about whatever you feel like.
  • Dirty Habit #7 – Not being a good listener. Have you ever noticed how you tend to fall into a mind drift as soon as the other person begins to speak? Okay, well if you really don’t care about the person, then fine. But if you do, make an effort to listen and let the person speak. It will only help you further on in the conversation.
  • Dirty Habit #8 – Not staying in touch with your acquaintances. To make sure you have the best relationships with all of the people you know, you must stay in touch with them. You need to regularly check your contact list and remind them all that you still exist. I’m not saying to call them up twice a week but an occasional check up is always nice.
  • Dirty Habit #9 – Not being proactive. When there is not enough action and things are looking dull, it’s up to you to make a move. If you aren’t satisfied with the current situation don’t blame others, do something about it! Let’s face it: no one really cares if you’re unhappy, except maybe your mom…
  • Dirty Habit #10 – Not enjoying your social life. If you want people to enjoy your company, you need to let them know that you’re a fun person to spend time with. If you’re a hard worker, then I congratulate you! However, you need to occasionally go out and be known for your excellent nights out! Go out and live your life to the fullest!
  • Dirty Habit #11 – Not facing your fears. Actually, this relates to all aspects of your life but in this context I’m talking about meeting new people, career promotions, etc. If you need to do something logical but your emotions are getting in the way, then you need to analyze the situation and use some common sense.
  • Dirty Habit #12 – Refusing to be open minded. There are all kinds of people out there. There are different religions, different races, different cultures, and different languages. Learn to accept others for who they are not who you want them to be. Give them your full respect and work out your differences unless of course you aren’t receiving the respect you deserve.

