What day is today?

It’s really slow and casual here. After visiting the Big Island and Maui, I can hardly remember what day today is. The weather is not very good here in Honolulu, the temperature is below 20c, it’s too cold for the beach or snorkeling. Maybe I should just stay in the room watching TV, this time they give me even a higher end unit, or wander in the streets of Wakiki. Anyhow, I should be in the office next Tuesday morning. 🙁

Day 3 – BlackBerry banned in Hawai’i?

I think there maybe a local law that prohibits people from using BlackBerry for business purposes, especially for roaming users, ’cause my BlackBerry cannot receive any email except browser based, it just doesn’t sync. I miss my Outlook emails, system alerts and notifications, daily reports and new stuff happen in the office. Am I a working ant? 🙁

Hawaii, day 2

It’s so warm here. Stunning view from 27th floor at Hilton. People are hanging out in the street day and night, it feels like in Penang. Only the tour to Pearl Habour this morning made me feel we’re in US.