Install a Server Certificate on the ISA Server Computer
To enable a more secure connection between mobile devices and the ISA Server computer, you must install a server certificate on the ISA server computer. This certificate should be issued by a public Certification Authority because it will be accessed by users on the Internet. If a private Certification Authority is used, the root Certification Authority certificate from the private Certification Authority must be installed on any computer that will need to create a secure (HTTPS) connection to the ISA server computer, as well as the ISA local machine store.
You may perform the following procedures on any server that has IIS installed. Use the following procedures to import a certificate on the ISA server computer.
In this section, you will
• |
Request and install a server certificate from a public Certification Authority |
• |
Export the server certificate to a file |
• |
Import the server certificate to the ISA server computer |

Request and Install a Server Certificate from a Public CA
Perform the following procedure to request and install a server certificate on a computer with IIS installed.
To request and install a server certificate from a public CA
1. |
In IIS, create a new Web site, pointing the Web site to a new, empty directory. |
2. |
In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, right-click the Web Sites folder, click New, and then click Web Site to start the Web Site Creation Wizard. |
3. |
Click Next on the Welcome page. |
4. |
Type a name for the Web site in the Description field. For example, type ISA Cert Site, and then click Next. |
5. |
Accept the default settings on the IP Address and Port Settings page. |
6. |
Enter a path for the Web site on the Web Site Home Directory page. For example, enter c:\temp. |
7. |
Accept the default settings on the Web Site Access Permissions page and click Next. |
8. |
Click Finish to complete the Web Site Creation Wizard. ![]() ![]() |
9. |
Follow the steps provided by the public Certification Authority to create and install a server certificate using the Web site you created in Step 1. ![]() ![]() |
Export the Server Certificate to a File
After the certificate is installed on the Web site that you just created, you will export the certificate to a file. You will then copy this file and import it to the ISA server computer.
Perform the following procedure to export the server certificate that you just installed.
To export the server certificate to a .pfx file
1. |
In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, and then expand the Web Sites folder. |
2. |
Right click the Web site for the Exchange front-end services, by default the Default Web Site, and then click Properties. |
3. |
On the Directory Security tab, under Secure communications, click Server Certificate to start the Web Server Certificate Wizard. |
4. |
Click Next on the Welcome page. |
5. |
Select Export the current certificate to a .pfx file on the Modify the Current Certificate Assignment page. |
6. |
Type the path and file name on the Export Certificate page. For example, type c:\certificates\mail_isa.pfx, and then click Next. |
7. |
Enter a password for the .pfx file. This password will be requested when a user is importing the .pfx file. Microsoft recommends that you use a strong password because the .pfx file also has the private key. ![]() |
Import the Server Certificate on the ISA Server Computer
Perform the following procedure on the ISA server computer to import the server certificate to the local computer store.
To import a server certificate on the ISA server computer
1. |
Copy the .pfx file created in the previous section to the ISA server computer in a secure fashion. |
2. |
Click Start, and then click Run. In Open, type MMC, and then click OK. |
3. |
Click File, click Add/Remove Snap-in, and in the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box, click Add to open the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box. |
4. |
Select Certificates, click Add, select Computer account, and then click Next. |
5. |
Select Local Computer, and then click Finish. In the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box, click Close, and in the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box, click OK. |
6. |
Expand the Certificates node, and right-click the Personal folder. |
7. |
Select All Tasks, and then click Import. This starts the Certificate Import Wizard. |
8. |
On the Welcome page, click Next. |
9. |
On the File to Import page, browse to the file that you previously created and copied to the ISA Server computer, and then click Next. |
10. |
On the Password page, type the password for this file, and then click Next. ![]() |
11. |
On the Certificate Store page, verify that Place all certificates in the following store is selected and Certificate Store is set to Place Cert Automatically, and then click Next. |
12. |
On the wizard completion page, click Finish. |
13. |
Verify that the server certificate was properly installed. Click Certificates, and then double-click the new server certificate. On the General tab, there should be a note that shows you have a private key that corresponds to this certificate. On the Certification Path tab, you should see a hierarchical relationship between your certificate and the Certification Authority, and a note that shows This certificate is OK. |
Update Public DNS
Create a new DNS host record in your domain’s public DNS servers. Users will initiate a connection using the name of the Web site. This name must match the common name, or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), used in the certificate installed on the ISA server computer. For example, a user might browse to In this case, the following conditions must be met for the user to successfully initiate a connection:
• |
The FQDN used in the server certificate installed on the ISA server computer must be ![]() |
• |
The user needs to resolve to an IP address. |
• |
The IP address that resolves to must be configured on the external network of the ISA server computer. ![]() |

The root certification authority (CA) certificate for the CA that issued the server certificate on the Web server (the IIS server running your Office Communications Server Web components) needs to be installed on the server running ISA Server 2006. This certificate should match the published FQDN of the external Web farm where you are hosting meeting content and Address Book files.
- You must install a Web server certificate on your ISA Server. This certificate should match the published FQDN of your external Web farm where you are hosting meeting content and Address Book files.
- If your internal deployment consists of more than one Standard Edition server or Enterprise pool, you must configure Web publishing rules for each external Web farm FQDN.

Use the following procedure to create Web publishing rules.
![]() |
This procedure assumes ISA Server 2006 Standard Edition has been installed. |

Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft ISA Server, and then click ISA Server Management.
In the left pane, expand ServerName, right-click Firewall Policy, point to New, and then click Web Site Publishing Rule.
On the Welcome to the New Web Publishing Rule page, enter a friendly name for the publishing rule, and then click Next. For example, the name of the rule could be OfficeCommunicationsWebDownloadsRule.
On the Select Rule Action page, select Allow, and then click Next.
On the Publishing Type page, select Publish a single Web site or load balancer, and then click Next.
On the Server Connection Security page, select Use SSL to connect to the published Web server or server farm, and click Next.
On the Internal Publishing Details page, enter the FQDN of the internal Web farm that hosts your meeting content and Address Book content in the Internal Site name box, and then click Next. Select from the following options:
The ISA Server must be able to resolve the FQDN to the IP address of the internal Web server. If the ISA Server is not able to resolve the FQDN to the proper IP address, you can select Use a computer name or IP address to connect to the published server, and then in the Computer name or IP address box, enter the IP address of the internal Web server. If you do this, you must ensure that the ISA Server has port 53 opened and can reach an internal DNS server or a DNS server that resides in the perimeter network. - If your internal server is a Standard Edition, this FQDN is the Standard Edition server FQDN.
- If your internal server is an Enterprise pool, this FQDN is the internal Web farm FQDN.
- On the Internal Publishing Details page, in the Path (optional) box, enter /* as the path of the folder to be published, and then click Next.
In the Web site publishing wizard you can only specify one path. Additional paths can be added by modifying the properties of the rule.
On the Publish Name Details page, confirm that This domain name is selected for Accept Requests for, type the external Web farm FQDN in the Public Name box, and click Next.
On Select Web Listener page, click New to create a new Web listener. This opens the New Web Listener Definition Wizard.
On the Welcome to the New Web Listener Wizard page, type a name for the Web listener in the Web listener name box, and then click Next. For example, type Web Servers.
On the Client Connection Security page, select Require SSL secured connections with clients, and then click Next.
On the Web Listener IP Address page, select External, and then click Select IP Addresses.
On the External Listener IP selection page, select Specified IP address on the ISA Server computer in the selected network, select the appropriate IP address, click Add, and then click OK.
Click Next.
On the Listener SSL Certificates page, select Assign a certificate for each IP address, select the IP address you just added, and then click Select Certificate.
On the Select Certificate page, select the certificate that matches the public name specified in step 9, click Select, and then click Next.
On the Authentication Setting page, select No Authentication, and then click Next.
On the Single Sign On Setting page, click Next.
On the Completing the Web Listener Wizard page, review the Web listener settings, and then click Finish.
Click Next.
On the Authentication Delegation page, select No delegation, but client may authenticate directly, and click Next.
On the User Set page, click Next.
On the Completing the New Web Publishing Rule Wizard page, review the Web publishing rule settings and then click Finish.
Click Apply in the details pane to save the changes and update the configuration.

Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft ISA Server, and then click ISA Server Management.
In the left pane, expand ServerName, and then click Firewall Policy.
In the details pane, right-click the secure Web server publishing rule that you created in the previous procedure (for example, OfficeCommunicationsServerExternal Rule), and then click Properties.
On the Properties page, click the From tab:
- In the This rule applies to traffic from these sources list, click Anywhere, and then click Remove.
- Click Add.
- In the Add Network Entities dialog box, expand Networks, click External, click Add, and then click Close.
If you need to publish another path on the Web server, select the Paths tab.
Click Add, type /* for the path to be published, and then click OK.
Click Apply to save changes, and then click OK.
Click the Apply button in the details pane to save the changes and update the configuration.

Use the following procedure to configure certification on your IIS virtual directories or verify that the certification is configured correctly.
![]() |
Perform the following procedure on each IIS Server in your internal Office Communications Server.
The procedure given below is for the Default Web Site in IIS. |

Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand ServerName, and then expand Web Sites.
Right-click <default or selected> Web Site, and then click Properties.
On the Web Site tab, ensure that the port number is 443 in the SSL port box, and then click OK.
On the Directory Security tab, click Server Certificate under Secure communications. This opens the Welcome to the Web Server Certificate Wizard.
Click Next.
On the Server Certificate page, click Assign an existing certificate, and then click Next.
On the SSL Port page, ensure that the value is 443 in the SSL port this Web site should use box, and then click Next.
On the Certificate Summary page, verify that settings are correct, and then click Next.
Click Finish.
Click OK to close the Default Web Site Properties dialog box.

Use the following procedure to verify that your users can access information on the reverse proxy. You may need to complete the firewall configuration and DNS configuration before access will work correctly.

Deploy the Live Meeting 2007 client as described in Live Meeting 2007 Client Deployment Guide.
Open a Web browser, type the URLs in the Address bar that are used by clients to access the Address Book files and the Web site for Web conferencing:
- For Address Book Server, type a URL similar to the following: https://externalwebfarmFQDN/abs/ext where externalwebfarmFQDN is the external FQDN of the Web farm that hosts Address Book server files. User should receive an HTTP challenge, because directory security on the Address Book Server folder is configured to Microsoft Windows® authentication by default.
- For Web conferencing, type a URL similar to the following: https://externalwebfarmFQDN/conf/ext/Tshoot.html where externalwebfarmFQDN is the external FQDN of the Web farm that hosts meeting content. This URL should display the troubleshooting page for Web conferencing.
- For distribution group expansion type a URL similar to the following: https://ExternalwebfarmFQDN/GroupExpansion/ext/service.asmx. User should receive an HTTP challenge, because directory security on the distribution group expansion service is configured to Microsoft Windows® authentication by default.
Best Practices for Performance in ISA Server 2006
ISA Server 2006 Enterprise Edition Installation Guide
ISA Server 2006 Standard Edition Installation Guide
Authentication in ISA Server 2006
Firewall Policy Best Practices for ISA Server 2006