Exchange Public Folders – Now and Beyond

Whenever we engage on an Exchange Healthcheck or a design review a question on Exchange Public Folders almost always comes up. Basically, should we be using them? What is Microsoft’s stance on their long term supportability and what are some of the alternate technologies offered by Microsoft.
To answer these questions, Exchange Team has posted an article to the “You Had Me At Ehlo” Blog, this morning.
In Summary, the following points are meant to clarify both our current recommendations and long term commitments around Public Folders.
1. Public Folders are widely used by our customers for sharing document, calendar, contact, and tasks; and for archiving distribution lists.
2. Exchange 12 (aka “E12”) and Outlook 2007 (aka “Outlook 12”) include public folder support – with great new investments in manageability and improved storage costs. Both of these products will be fully supported for 10 years from the availability of E12 – through at least 2016.  You can continue to use Public Folders with full support throughout this time.
3. Windows SharePoint Services is another option from Microsoft for, amongst other things: sharing document, calendar, contact, and tasks; and for archiving distribution lists. DL archiving and Outlook synchronization are new in Windows SharePoint Services v3 (WSS v3), which ships at the same time as Office 12 and E12.
4. For all new collaborative application development, we recommend WSS v3 and the new E12 web services as your platform, both of which are designed with .NET development in mind. We recommend maintaining existing Public Folder applications in-place.
5. All current versions of Outlook (from 97 through 2003) and Exchange (4.0 through 2003) require Public Folders to be deployed – Public Folders are required within an organization until all Outlook clients are upgraded to Outlook 2007, all mailboxes have been migrated to E12, and of course, no Public Folder applications are still used. (More details in the article.)
To read the complete article, please visit the Exchange Team Blog at:

在英文Windows XP中设置中文的方法与步骤

在安装英文Windows XP的过程中,出现的语文设置对话框中,可自行选上东亚语言项(这里以中文为例),并根据下述方法逐一将简体中文与繁体中文添入系统,安装完毕,电脑便自动显示中文简繁体字了。假如在安装过程中忽略(错过)此项,也可以在过后补添。方法:
英文Windows XP设置中文步骤:
Start >Control Panel >Regional and Language Option
点击‘Language’,选Install files for East Asian languages再点击detail,在出现的Text Services and Input Languages对话框中的Installed services底下,
点击Add,在出现的Add Input language对话框中Input language项点击右边之小箭头,分别把(简体)中文(Chinese PRC),中文(新加坡)Chinese Singapore,和(繁体)中文、香港(Chinese Hong Kong SAR)、中文(台湾)Chinese Taiwan逐一分别选入。
然后,点击Advanced在Compatibility Configuration底下,打上钩。O.K.
之后回到Regional and Language Option中选击Advanced,然后在Language for none-Unicode programs底下,选 Chinese PRC, Click Apply, O.K.重新启动电脑。

试验MSN Spaces的新功能

    昨天的方法可能是错的, 没有发现MSN做的那些tricks. 当取得Amazon的associate号以后, 先要到MSN Spaces的设置里去填上这个号码, 然后就可以用Spaces提供的Book List来添加书目了. 而书的title要自己填, 也是很奇怪的, 应该是一旦有了ISBN以后, 就能自动查出书名之类的, 而描述可以作为选项自己写. 我先加了一本手头在看的书, 会不会有ROI呢? 拭目以待.
    另外一个特性, 好象也有点问题. 所谓的Sponsored links真正地只出现了一次, 是在我确认以后约一个小时左右, 然后我改了一下喜好设置, 然后就再也没见到, 只有一句提示性的话. 现在动了一下版面, 再等会儿看看.
    新的Lists也有个bug, 是在我添加了Book List以后出现的, 第一, 不能转到Book List, 直接跳转到首页(Home); 第二, 当选其他列表时, 有一次直接跳转到首页(Home), 并且把List显示在Home的右上角, 占了一个单元的位置(如图).



©2006 Google REF TEST

The followings are tests for the Space update "Great news for those of you living in the US, UK, Canada, Germany, France or Japan.  You can now make money with MSN Spaces.  You heard me.  Make Money!  With if you sign up for an associates ID, whenever anyone buys a book from by linking through from your space, you get a portion of that.  So make sure to put up all of your favorite and maybe not so favorite books online." But it doesn’t seem working, the Space doesn’t support iframe, so just Text Ads are tested.

Microsoft Exchange Server Books

MCSE 2003 Books

如我第二天所写的, 这个Amazon的赞助设置是在Spaces的另一个地方进行的, 然后用书目来实现. Amazon上提供的associate link是给普通网页使用的, 这样就能解释为什么这里不支持iframe, 不知道哪为有办法可以破解这个限制.