Microsoft Live 全景图

Find and Discover Information:个人信息获取个性化信息门户)
– Windows Live Search(个性化搜索)

Enhance and Deepen Relationships:个人信息管理
– Windows Live Mail(邮件)
– Windows Live Messenger(及时通讯)
– Windows Live Favorites(在线书签)
– Windows Live for mobile devices(Live服务的移动设备支持)

Explore and Find New Interests:社会化网络
– Social Networking(社交网络)
– Windows Live Spaces(Blog)

Protection and Performance:安全与维护
– Windows Live Safety Center(在线安全中心)
– Windows OneCare Live(在线系统维护)
– Integrated protection(Live服务的安全防护)

Microsoft Office Live:中小企业在线发布及管理系统
– Microsoft Office Live Basics(类似于企业Blog)
– Microsoft Office Live Essentials(增加企业邮局以及文档、客户、项目管理等功能)
– Microsoft Office Live Collaboration(增加公司内部网功能)

Xbox Live:Xbox游戏在线服务
– Xbox Live Marketplace(交易中心)
– Ubiquitous voice chat(语音聊天)
– Gamer Profile(玩家档案)
– Xbox Live Arcade on Xbox 360(游戏的在线下载及购买服务)

Microsoft Live中的大部分功能要数月甚至1年以后才会逐渐开放,不过从以上的列表中已经可以看出微软在Live计划所涉猎的范围之广、野心之大。那么多服务的联动,使微软只要把单独的服务作到别人的一半好,就能在市场上立于不败。说Microsoft Live会杀死一大批Web 2.0公司可能是夸大其词,但是反过来说Microsoft Live会在Web 2.0时代占据重要的地位绝不为过。


手电筒,就是你要看电视, 只要有个接近白色平面,你就可以看了,就这么简单。当然,其幕后的技术细节是相当复杂的,譬如信号源、信号转换、发光体、电源等等。因为当时的投影屏幕技术似乎已经非常成熟了,电化教室、录像厅,处处可见,好象也不是很贵。可是为什么这么多年来,我们看到了三、四十英寸的电视机,又有了液晶、等离子的大屏幕平面电视,而投影机依然曲高和寡呢?
投影机,最早叫投影仪,是个更加神秘的名字,英文叫projector。在办公场所、会议室、报告会上最常见到,其种类千奇百怪,有大有小,最大的应该是专业级的Barco,以至于直到现在,我们还把投影机叫做Barco,我看到过最小的是康柏电脑(Compaq Computer)的iPAQ投影机,其大小比家用的应急灯大不了多少,可惜现在的HPQ没能把这产品继续下去。
今天看最新的11月份《PC WORLD》,终于看到了这样一件接近梦幻的产品:

从上面的图中可以看出这款投影机的品牌、大小和接口。它是今年第四季度即将上市的产品,标价为799美元,同档价格的是在BestBuy已经有售的InFocus X2。

新版微软入门证书——MCTS第一课: Microsoft Certified Technology Specialists in SQL Server 2005

Get Ready for SQL Server 2005 with Free* Microsoft E-Learning Courses.

Whether you are interested in database administration, database development, or business intelligence, you can access the E-Learning topic you want, when you want it, and learn at your own pace. Each lesson includes hands-on virtual labs and offline functionality. These courses, valued at $99 each won’t be free forever, so sign on today.

In addition, you may consider taking a free Microsoft Skills Assessment to help you meet your Microsoft SQL Server 2005 training goals. You’ll receive a learning roadmap with additional skills resources including instructor-led classroom training and books. Take a skills assessment today.

For more information visit the SQL Server 2005 Learning Resource page.

* Microsoft E-Learning for SQL Server 2005 is free until November 1, 2006.


Discover The Importance of Certificate Validation for SSL-Secured Web Traffic

>—White Papers—
>Can You Afford to Have Anything Less Than 100% Uptime For Your Mission Critical E-mail?
>E-mail has become mission critical to the functioning of business and every hour of downtime can cost thousands of dollars in lost productivity and revenue. In this free white paper, learn how to address challenges such as: making e-mail truly available 24x7x365, securing against viruses, comprehensively backing up e-mail data and more.
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>Stopping Crimeware and Malware: How to Close the Vulnerability Window
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>—Essential Guides—
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>—Free eBooks—
>New eBook Chapter!
>Title: Understanding and Leveraging SSL-TLS for Secure Communications
>Author: Jan De Clercq
>Get chapter 3 now at:
>In chapter three, you’ll learn all you need to know about the Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) topics you might encounter when dealing with and configuring the SSL/protocols for secure Web communications. You’ll discover how to optimize SSL server-side performance and how to deal with load balancing and firewalls. Plus – discover the details behind the SSL certificate validation process and more!
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>You’ll find books about:
>* Fax Servers: Integrate. Automate. Communicate
>* Essential Security Tips
>* Ensuring High Availability with Microsoft Exchange Server
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>—More White Papers—
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>You’ll find white papers about:
>* Converting a Microsoft Access Application to Oracle HTML DB
>* Basic Care And Feeding of Your Exchange Server 2003 Environment
>* A New Dimension in IT Infrastructure Management: Integrated KVM and Serial Console Control Systems
>* And more!
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