
FTP命令是Internet用户使用最频繁的命令之一,不论是在DOS还是UNIX操作系统下使用 FTP,都会遇到大量的FTP内部命令。熟悉并灵活应用FTP的内部命令,可以大大方便使用者,并收到事半功倍之效。

  FTP的命令行格式为: ftp -v -d -i -n -g [主机名] ,其中
  -v 显示远程服务器的所有响应信息;
  -d 使用调试方式;
  -i 限制ftp的自动登录,即不使用;
  -n etrc文件;
  -g 取消全局文件名。
  1. ![cmd[args]]:在本地机中执行交互shell,exit回到ftp环境,如:!ls*.zip。
  2. $ macro-ame[args]:执行宏定义macro-name。
  3. account[password]:提供登录远程系统成功后访问系统资源所需的补充口令。
  4.append local-file[remote-file]:将本地文件追加到远程系统主机,若未指定远程系统文件名,则使用本地文件名。
  5. ascii:使用ascii类型传输方式。
  6. bell:每个命令执行完毕后计算机响铃一次。
  7. bin:使用二进制文件传输方式。
  8. bye:退出ftp会话过程。
  9. case:在使用mget时,将远程主机文件名中的大写转为小写字母。
  10. cd remote-dir:进入远程主机目录。
  11. cdup:进入远程主机目录的父目录。
  12. chmod mode file-name:将远程主机文件file-name的存取方式设置为mode,如: chmod 777 a.out 。
  13. close:中断与远程服务器的ftp会话(与open对应)。
  14. cr:使用asscii方式传输文件时,将回车换行转换为回行。
  15. delete remote-file:删除远程主机文件。
  16. debug[debug-value]:设置调试方式, 显示发送至远程主机的每条命令,如: deb up 3,若设为0,表示取消debug。
  18. disconnection:同close。
  19. form format:将文件传输方式设置为format,缺省为file方式。
  20. get remote-file[local-file]: 将远程主机的文件remote-file传至本地硬盘的local-file。
  21. glob:设置mdelete,mget,mput的文件名扩展,缺省时不扩展文件名,同命令行的-g参数。
  22. hash:每传输1024字节,显示一个hash符号(#)。
  23. help[cmd]:显示ftp内部命令cmd的帮助信息,如:help get。
  24. idle[seconds]:将远程服务器的休眠计时器设为[seconds]秒。
  25. image:设置二进制传输方式(同binary)。
  26. lcd[dir]:将本地工作目录切换至dir。
  27. ls[remote-dir][local-file]:显示远程目录remote-dir, 并存入本地文件local-file。
  28. macdef macro-name:定义一个宏,遇到macdef下的空行时,宏定义结束。
  29. mdelete[remote-file]:删除远程主机文件。
  30. mdir remote-files local-file:与dir类似,但可指定多个远程文件,如: mdir *.o.*.zipoutfile 。
  31. mget remote-files:传输多个远程文件。
  32. mkdir dir-name:在远程主机中建一目录。
  33. mls remote-file local-file:同nlist,但可指定多个文件名。
  34. mode[modename]:将文件传输方式设置为modename, 缺省为stream方式。
  35. modtime file-name:显示远程主机文件的最后修改时间。
  36. mput local-file:将多个文件传输至远程主机。
  37. newer file-name: 如果远程机中file-name的修改时间比本地硬盘同名文件的时间更近,则重传该文件。
  38. nlist[remote-dir][local-file]:显示远程主机目录的文件清单,并存入本地硬盘的local-file。
  39. nmap[inpattern outpattern]:设置文件名映射机制, 使得文件传输时,文件中的某些字符相互转换,如:nmap $1.$2.$3[$1,$2].[$2,$3],则传输文件a1.a2.a3时,文件名变为a1,a2。该命令特别适用于远程主机为非UNIX机的情况。
  40. ntrans[inchars[outchars]]:设置文件名字符的翻译机制,如ntrans1R,则文件名LLL将变为RRR。
  41. open host[port]:建立指定ftp服务器连接,可指定连接端口。
  42. passive:进入被动传输方式。
  43. prompt:设置多个文件传输时的交互提示。
  44. proxy ftp-cmd:在次要控制连接中,执行一条ftp命令,该命令允许连接两个ftp服务器,以在两个服务器间传输文件。第一条ftp命令必须为open,以首先建立两个服务器间的连接。
  45. put local-file[remote-file]:将本地文件local-file传送至远程主机。
  46. pwd:显示远程主机的当前工作目录。
  47. quit:同bye,退出ftp会话。
  48. quote arg1,arg2…:将参数逐字发至远程ftp服务器,如:quote syst。
  49. recv remote-file[local-file]:同get。
  50. reget remote-file[local-file]:类似于get,但若local-file存在,则从上次传输中断处续传。
  51. rhelp[cmd-name]:请求获得远程主机的帮助。
  52. rstatus[file-name]:若未指定文件名,则显示远程主机的状态,否则显示文件状态。
  53. rename[from][to]:更改远程主机文件名。
  54. reset:清除回答队列。
  55. restart marker:从指定的标志marker处,重新开始get或put,如:restart 130。
  56. rmdir dir-name:删除远程主机目录。
  57. runique:设置文件名唯一性存储。
  58. send local-file[remote-file]:同put。
  59. sendport:设置PORT命令的使用。
  60. site arg1,arg2…:将参数作为SITE命令逐字发送至远程ftp主机。
  61. size file-name:显示远程主机文件大小,如:site idle 7200。
  62. status:显示当前ftp状态。
  63. struct[struct-name]:将文件传输结构设置为struct-name,缺省时使用stream结构。
  64. sunique:将远程主机文件名存储设置为唯一(与runique对应)。
  65. system:显示远程主机的操作系统类型。
  66. tenex:将文件传输类型设置为TENEX机的所需的类型。
  67. tick:设置传输时的字节计数器。
  68. trace:设置包跟踪。
  69. type[type-name]:设置文件传输类型为type-name,缺省为ascii,如:type binary,设置二进制传输方式。
  70. umask[newmask]:将远程服务器的缺省umask设置为newmask,如:umask 3。
  71. user user-name[password][account]:向远程主机表明自己的身份,需要口令时,必须输入口令,如:user anonymous my@email。
  72. verbose:同命令行的-v参数,即设置详尽报告方式,ftp服务器的所有响应都将显示给用户,缺省为on。
  73. ?[cmd]:同help。
  AID编者附注:如果服务器支持,可以使用quote "site pswd oldpassword newpassword"来修改密码

Rogers and Bell Canada Partner to Build National Wireless Broadband Network

Canadians to benefit from leading-edge wireless broadband network

    TORONTO and MONTREAL, Sept. 16 — Rogers Communications and Bell
Canada today announced an agreement to jointly build and manage a Canada-wide
wireless broadband network expected to initially reach more than two-thirds of
Canadians in less than three years. The companies will pool their wireless
broadband spectrum holdings into a joint venture, Inukshuk Internet Inc.,
which will build and operate the network. Once built, Canada will have one of
the most robust and extensive wireless broadband networks in the world.
    "The promise of wireless broadband is here and Bell and Rogers have the
expertise, resources and commitment to make it happen," said Bob Berner, Chief
Technology Officer of Rogers Communications. "This is a powerful tool for
Canadian businesses and consumers – both of whom will benefit from the
substantially increased and accelerated competition the network will bring."
    Inukshuk will be the network services provider to Rogers and Bell and
their subsidiaries, and will operate on a cost recovery basis. The arrangement
will allow the companies to minimize costs and maximize wireless broadband
network coverage by pooling their spectrum holdings and leveraging both
companies’ existing wireless tower and network transport infrastructures.
    Ideal for Canadians on the go, the services will be portable allowing
subscribers to access the Internet and use a host of voice, video streaming
and data applications from wherever the service is available. Bell and Rogers
will compete in the marketing and delivery of applications and services to
end-customers over the network, ensuring healthy competition and consumer
    "This is an efficient, effective and responsible approach to getting more
high speed Internet services to more Canadians more quickly," added Stephen
Wetmore, Group President National Markets, Bell Canada. "Wireless broadband
offers exciting opportunities for the delivery of these services, particularly
for many of those living in unserved and remote communities."
    Inukshuk will be owned and controlled equally by Rogers and Bell and will
plan, design, build, operate and maintain a Canada-wide wireless broadband
telecommunications network. Bell and Rogers will each have the right to use 50
per cent of the network’s total transmission capacity. Sales, marketing, end-
user customer care and billing functions will be provided directly by Rogers
and Bell to their respective customers.
    The companies will jointly and equally fund the initial network
deployment costs estimated at $200 million over a three-year period,
completing a network footprint that will cover over 40 cities and
approximately 50 unserved rural and remote communities across Canada. Inukshuk
expects to negotiate a roaming agreement with Clearwire Corporation, a U.S.-
based company building a similar wireless broadband network, allowing Rogers
and Bell to offer customers access to an extensive Canada-U.S. wireless
broadband footprint. Inukshuk plans to continue to use network equipment
manufactured by NextNet, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Clearwire Corporation.
As standards-based technologies emerge, Inukshuk is committed to evaluating
their feasibility and evolving to such standards as appropriate.
    "This agreement will keep Canada at the leading edge of next generation
technologies," concluded Mr. Wetmore. "It also supports the Government of
Canada’s rural broadband objectives."
    Rogers currently controls and will contribute to the joint venture its
entire broadband wireless spectrum in the 2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz
frequency ranges. Bell controls and will contribute to the joint venture all
of its broadband wireless spectrum in the 2.3 GHz and 3.5 GHz frequency
    Separately, Bell has reached an agreement with companies controlled
directly or indirectly by Craig McCaw under which Bell will acquire the
remaining 50 per cent of NR Communications that it does not already own. NR
Communications and a subsidiary of Rogers are the two partners in the current
Inukshuk joint venture which holds approximately 98 MHz of wireless broadband
spectrum in the 2.5 GHz frequency range across much of Canada.
    Spectrum transfer approvals from Industry Canada, completion of Bell’s
acquisition of Craig McCaw’s interest in NR Communications, and other
customary closing conditions are expected to be straightforward.

    Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

    This release includes forward-looking statements concerning the future
performance of the companies businesses, their operations and their financial
performance and condition. These forward-looking statements include, among
others, statements with respect to the companies’ objectives and strategies to
achieve those objectives, as well as statements with respect to their beliefs,
plans, expectations, anticipations, estimates or intentions. These forward-
looking statements are based on the companies’ current expectations. The
companies caution that all forward-looking information is inherently uncertain
and actual results may differ materially from the assumptions, estimates or
expectations reflected or contained in the forward-looking information, and
that actual future performance will be affected by a number of factors,
including economic conditions, technological change, regulatory change and
competitive factors, many of which are beyond the control of the companies.
Therefore, future events and results may vary significantly from what the
companies currently foresee, and the companies are under no obligation (and
expressly disclaim any such obligation) to update or alter the forward-looking
statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
For more detailed discussions of factors that may affect actual results, see
the risks and uncertainties sections of the companies’ most recent annual and
quarterly securities filings.

    About Rogers Communications

    Rogers Communications Inc. (TSX: RCI; NYSE: RG) is a diversified Canadian
communications and media company engaged in three primary lines of business.
Rogers Wireless Inc. is Canada’s largest wireless voice and data
communications services provider and the country’s only carrier operating on
the world standard GSM/GPRS technology platform; Rogers Cable Inc. is Canada’s
largest cable television provider offering cable television, high-speed
Internet access, voice-over-cable telephony services, and video retailing; and
Rogers Media Inc. is Canada’s premier collection of category leading media
assets with businesses in radio and television broadcasting, televised
shopping, publishing and sports entertainment. On July 1, 2005, Rogers
completed the acquisition of Call-Net Enterprises (now Rogers Telecom), a
national provider of voice and data communications services. For further
information about the Rogers group of companies, please visit www.rogers.com.

    About Bell Canada

    Bell Canada, Canada’s national leader in communications, provides
connectivity to residential and business customers through wired and wireless
voice and data communications, local and long distance phone services, high
speed and wireless Internet access, IP-broadband services, e-business
solutions and satellite television services. Bell Canada is wholly owned by
BCE Inc. For more information please visit www.bell.ca.

For further information: Investment Community Contacts: Rogers
Communications Investor Relations, Bruce Mann, (416) 935-3532,
bruce.mann@rci.rogers.com; Eric Wright, (416) 935-3550,
Eric.wright@rci.rogers.com; Bell Canada Investor Relations, Thane
Fotopoulos, (514) 870-4619,
thane.Fotopoulos@bell.ca; For media inquiries,
please contact Rogers Communications Media Relations, Jan Innes,
(416) 935-3525,
Jan.innes@rci.rogers.com; Heather Armstrong,
(416) 935-6379,
Heather.Armstrong@rci.rogers.com; Bell Canada Media
Relations, Mohammed Nakhooda, (416) 581-3311,
mohammed.nakhooda@bell.ca and
Pierre Leclerc, (514) 870-2759,
Archived images on this organization are searchable through CNW Photo Archive
website at
http://photos.newswire.ca. Images are free to
accredited members of the media.



Yankees know very little about China.  Even like Ziff Davis, one of their top media groups, doesn’t know the number of stars in China’s National Flag.
下面这张图出现在PC Magazine杂志今年6月28日刊第23页,作为一家在中国有多年业务的媒体公司,Ziff Davis在刊登一组有关中国市场的预测数据时, 居然把中国国旗上的星星都数错了,真是贻笑大方。
同样的内容也出现在PCMAG.COM的网站上: http://www.pcmag.com/image_popup/0,1871,s=1489&iid=106571,00.asp


  1. WINDOWS更新 : 一定记得更新你的 Windows – 这和必须安装防病毒软件一样重要;
  2. 防火墙 : 安装一个防火墙软件或硬件, 阻止一切来自外部的未经许可的访问;
  3. 防病毒软件 : 你的防病毒软件只有在经常更新的情况下才是有用的;
  4. 驱逐间谍软件 : 删除那些溜进你的电脑的间谍软件, 会让你马上感觉到性能有所改善;
  5. 好的EMAIL习惯 : 对未知来源的电子邮件要非常警觉, 病毒和垃圾邮件通常会伪装得很巧妙;
  6. INTERNET控制 : 使用Internet Explorer的设置来屏蔽掉那些不良好的内容;
  7. 机敏的上网者 : 检查Internet Explorer的设置, 始终要小心谨慎地对待文件下载和网上交易.

[上文摘译自Windows XP: The Official Magazine July 2005, wooway尊重原有的版权, 如有异议, 请联络wooway.]